Tirchi: The City police have notified traffic diversions in the city on Sunday and on May 29 in view of the opening ceremony of the Kargil war martyr Major Saravanan memorial near the St. John's Vestry School.A dress rehearsal of the ceremony would be held on Sunday, while the memorial would be opened on May 29.
The following traffic diversions would be in force between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on both the days:All vehicles heading towards the Central Bus Stand from the MGR Statue Junction and Cantonment Police Station would be diverted via the Bharathidasan Salai, Head Post Office, Railway Junction and Rockins Road. In the return direction, vehicles heading towards MGR Statue/Cantonment from the Central Bus Stand would also be diverted via Railway Junction and Bharathidasan Salai.
All mofussil buses bound for Karur, Coimbatore, Erode and Tirupur from the Central Bus Stand would be operated via Williams Road.Two-wheelers on the Royal Road would be diverted near the Seahorse Hospital via Alexandria Road. Vehicles heading towards the Vestry School Junction on the Collector's Office Road would be diverted near Raja Colony to go via V.O.C.Street and the Central Bus Stand, according to a police press release.
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