Tuticorn:Collector R. Palaniyandi on Monday inaugurated the operations of two newly procured four-wheelers for the Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection here.Officials sources said the vehicles would be used to strengthen the drive against the smuggling of essential commodities such as rice and kerosene distributed through a network of 831 fair price shops (FPS) and for routine inspection.S.R. Sudharshan, District Supply and Consumer Protection Officer, told that a total of 1,16,881 kg of rice and 3,994 litres of kerosene, all worth Rs. 3,07,972, were seized from different parts of the district between Janu ary 1 and July 30.
“A salesman of one FPS was arrested and 10 others [businessmen and lorry drivers] were charge-sheeted under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955,” he said.Besides, 35 salesmen were suspended after irregularities were detected in the stock inventory and accounts registers at FPS shops during surprise checks by senior officials.“A fine of Rs.12,45,354 was imposed on the salesmen, in toto, for manipulation of accounts and stocks and for issuing bogus bills.”Mr. Sudharshan said the district administration had intensified efforts to eliminate bogus family cards, considering that the Government spent a huge amount of money as subsidy on rice against each card.“We removed about 10,000 bogus cards from the list this year till July 30 for having incorrect data of addresses and duplication of names in it.”
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