Dharmapuri: The district administration has fixed a target to provide 3,263 electricity connections to farmers under various government schemes in the current fiscal. About 500 connections have been provided till date, said Collector Pankaj Kumar Bansal here on Monday.The State Government has sanctioned Rs.20 lakh to sink 51 borewells in panchayats selected under the Anaithu Gramam Anna Marumalarchi Thittam (AGAMT). The district administration was installing Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and solar-powered lights in panchayats selected under AGAMT instead of lamps using conventional sources of energy.
It has installed about 1,657 CFL and 113 solar-powered lights in the panchayats so far. The Collector asked panchayat presidents to install solar-powered lights to cut down their monthly electricity bills. Mr. Bansal instructed officials concerned to expedite drought-relief works in Pennagaram, Palacode and Karimangalam blocks and submit a report on the same to the district administration.The Collector also instructed them to accord top priority to SC/ST self-help groups, widows and women deserted by their husbands while selecting beneficiaries under various government schemes.
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