Salem:The Salem Corporation has decided to improve street lighting in the city at an estimated cost of Rs.70.75 lakh. The plan was prepared following repeated complaints from the people that a number of areas, particularly the added areas in the city, lacked streetlights.Residents have complained that they were facing difficulties in accessing streets, which lack street lights, during the night hours. Women and children find it unsafe to walk after dark in these areas. Several incidents of theft have been reported. “Lack of enough streetlights provides criminals an excellent getaway. It also leads to accidents,” citizens pointed out.
Hence, the civic body has planned to install streetlights in the following places: Burn Standard & Co branch road to Dalmia Board, Tata Colony to Tiruvagoundanur Bypass Junction, Tiruvagoundanur Bypass to Sivadapuram Branch road, Seelanaickanpatti Junction to Kondalampatti Junction and Kondalampatti Junction to Sivadapuram Branch road.The civic administration would allot funds for installing streetlights from its General Fund. The Corporation Council, which met here recently, had given its approval for the plan, officials said.Better lighting in the streets and main roads would help arrest growing incidence of crime under cover of darkness, officials added.
Meanwhile, citizens urged the Corporation to replace the tube lights with sodium vapour lamps in important roads and lanes. They also appealed to the Corporation to ensure the proper functioning of streetlights. They said that the number of streetlights installed in a few parts was grossly inadequate. They wanted the Corporation to provide adequate number of lights for all the parts.
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