The cement flooring on the platforms is being replaced with tiles at Salem Railway Junction.Salem Railway Junction after a long gap is getting a facelift.With the dates for the inauguration of Salem Railway Division is already announced, the junction and its surrounding areas are witnessing a flurry of activities. The entire junction was cleaned and white-washed. The platforms also are being renovated. The cement flooring on the platforms, particularly the main ones such as No.1 and No.2, are being replaced with tiles.
The rest rooms also are renovated. The roofing has also been extended on Platform No.1.The drainage facilities have been toned up.The entrance will soon sport a new look. The two-wheeler stand has been shifted to the far right corner.According to senior Railway officials, these works are going on round the clock to meet the deadline, ie September 14 when the division is expected to be inaugurated.The new divisional office is almost completed. Final touches are being given.As soon as the division is inaugurated the signals and controls of the Salem Railway Division will be vested with it.The emergency quota hitherto confined to four trains has also been extended to a few more trains.
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