Tuticorin: Huge crowd comprising students who had completed Plus Two recently thronged the District Employment Office here on Monday to enrol their names.K. Kalaiselvan, District Employment Officer, said a total of 1,410 students registered their names on the first day of registration.
"The registration would continue from now without any deadline on date", he added.According to him, 1,25,000 people have registered their names with the employment exchange here and are awaiting government jobs.He urged the aspirants for the government jobs to make use of the library functioning at the District Employment Office."We have a stock of 20,000 books, periodicals and journals, which would be helpful for the youth in preparation prior to facing competitive examinations," he said.Besides, books were stocked at the study centres functioning at the headquarters of all the 12 panchayat unions under the ambit of Department of Employment and Training.
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