New software to hone chess skills

The existing software used by the visually challenged speaks text aloud in a variety of natural-sounding voices that can be modified according to individual preference.The association's yet-to-be-named software reads the printed chess literature, converts it to audio output and makes use of Kurzweil to read it aloud.This helps the visually challenged to hear the uploaded chess moves.
"This software will be a boon to any aspiring visually challenged chess player. At present, the players have to rely on external help to read the available literature to hone their skills."Besides, they have to work manually on the chessboard to master the game.
"But once the software is installed, access becomes easy as the player can use the productivity tools to communicate with the computer, which ultimately enhances the individual's skills," said N. John Rajesh, deputy general secretary, who has developed the software.The reading software also includes a list of visually challenged chess players all over the State."Compared to other countries, chess for the visually challenged is yet to pick up in the country."Hence, we want to help our players improve their game," said Mr. Pandiarajan.
"Though the software can be used as of now, it needs certain changes to bring it to commercial use," said Mr. Rajesh.History is also on their side as in the game of chess, both the normal and the visually challenged stand equal chance of winning.