Lates News Updates

May 29, 2007

Residents opposed the permanent closure of the gate

Tiruchi:Residents of Bheema Nagar and its surrounding areas have strongly opposed the permanent closure of the gate across the Railway level crossing near the Palakkarai Railway Station.Though a road overbridge was constructed across the railway level crossing, local residents have on either side been using the gate. A large number of two-wheeler riders and cyclists also used the gate.

Railway sources said the decision to close the gate was taken following an accident near the Fort Station and to avoid such accidents in future. A notice board was also placed at the gate announcing that it would be closed with effect from Monday.However, a group of residents of the area staged a demonstration near the Railway gate on Monday demanding that the gate should be kept open. Local residents have been demanding that a pedestrian subway be built at the spot. Until the construction of the subway, the gate should be kept open as residents from Bheema Nagar, Marsinghpet, Kooni Bazaar and their neighbourhood had to cross the gate for their day-to-day needs. The closure of the gate would mean that they would have to take a round about over the bridge.

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