Actor Vikram with Joint Managing Director of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital Amar Agarwal at the opening of the hospital’s Ashok Nagar centre on Friday.Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital inaugurated its latest centre at Ashok Nagar on Friday amidst plenty of fanfare and a large dose of star power. Actor Vikram was the chief guest at the event.Joint Managing Director of Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital Amar Agarwal said, “The idea behind [establishing] these centres is to provide a place in the neighbourhood where high quality eye care will be available. We realised that having only one hospital down Cathedral Road was not enough… ”
The new centre will be a secondary eye care centre with facilities for the simplest of glass treatment to blade free laser treatment. “We have opened 10 centres so far and our target is to open 25 centres by the end of this year,” he said. The new centres would mean that everybody need not come to the main branch for treatment.The Ashok Nagar centre, set up at a cost of Rs.5 crore has three permanent doctors and will be open throughout the week between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.
Speaking on the occasion, Vikram said the most important thing about the hospital was its accessibility. “The centre has all facilities under one roof. The fact that more of them will be coming up around Tamil Nadu is definitely a good thing,” he said.Also present at the event were film producer Dhanu and Ashok Nagar Councillor K.S. Mani.
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