Chennai: A group of Tamil bloggers from the city — ‘Chennai Valaipathivar Pattarai’ — is organising an ‘unconference’ style Tamil bloggers’ camp and workshop at the Tamil Department, Madras University Marina campus on Sunday. The workshop will be conducted in Tamil by Tamil bloggers, and in true ‘unconference’ style the participants can nominate themselves as speakers.
Blogging in Tamil has caught up in recent times. According to, a leading aggregator of Tamil blogs, there are more than 2,000 Tamil bloggers active in the blogosphere.More than 40,000 articles have been written in t hese blogs by Tamil bloggers, whose age ranges from 7 to 70 years, a press release issued by the organisers said.In addition to blogging basics, the workshop will cover topics such as ‘blogging as a profession’, ‘blogging for social cause’ and ‘corporate blogging’. It is a sincere attempt to take Tamil blogging to the next level. The highlight will be demonstrations by experts on Tamil computer writing and getting them published in blogs. For details call 98407 41478.
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