Salem:Agriculture Minister Veerapandi Arumugam (right) inspecting the District Collectorate in Salem on Friday. Agriculture Minister Veerapandi S. Arumugam inspected the site for the proposed building for the Collectorate complex here on Friday.The Minister accompanied by Collector N. Mathivanan and District Revenue Officer M. Rajarathinam, inspected the blue print for the multi-storied Collectors complex that was expected to come up in 18 months. The old building, which was 200 years old had developed cracks and declared unsafe for the functioning of offices anymore.
Officials from the Public Works Department (PWD) explained to him the salient features of the plan. The new complex would come up in the existing premises itself for which the government also had sanctioned the required sum. Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi will lay the foundation stone for the project on Sept 14.The Minister also inspected the Tirumanimuthru river and sought clarifications from officials concerned regarding the proposed over bridge near Apsara here. He instructed the officials to expedite the works of various development works in the city and district.
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