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May 29, 2007

Heavy rain @ Dharmapuri

Dharmapuri: Heavy rain coupled with thunderstorms lashed various parts of Dharmapuri district for the second consecutive day on Monday.The average rainfall recorded during the past 24 hours ending at 8.30 a.m. on Monday is as follows: Collectorate - 41 mm, Dharmapuri - 28 mm and Pennagaram - 20 mm. However there was no rainfall at Panchapalli dam, the main source of drinking water supply to Dharmapuri town.

The average rainfall recorded in Krishnagiri is as follows: Krishnagiri - 49 mm, Shoolagiri - 20 mm, Uthangarai - 25 mm, Bengondapuram - 12 mm, Pochampalli - 6 mm, Barur - 4 mm, Hosur - 6 mm and Nedungal - 2 mm. Rain inundated low-lying areas in Krishnagiri town.

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